Thankfulness 21- Day Challenge:
Each day for 21 Days – Write Down Three (3) Things that you are THANKFUL for (Example: Life, Health, Family, Mental Health, Faith, etc.)
“Thankfulness helps to calm my brain”- Adolescent Patient.
Thankfulness and Research
Research reveals, thankfulness:
Rewires the Brain- ‘Neuroplasticity’
Encourages De-Catastrophizing (Calming worrying thoughts)
Improves Relationships
Improves Physical Health
Improves Psychological Health (Less Anxiety and Depression, Decreased Psychopathology)
Enhances Empathy and reduces aggression
Improves Sleep
Improves Self-Esteem
Increases Mental Strength
Enhances Well-Being, Social Development, and Achievement
Benefits Students and Schools
Promotes Goal Striving
Promotes Hope and Recovery
Fosters Resilience
Reduces Suicide Risks (Protective Factor)
A Core Religious/Spiritual Virtue
Bono, G., & Froh, J. (2009). Benefits to students and schools. Handbook of positive psychology in schools, 77-87.
Emmons, R. A. (2008). Gratitude, subjective well-being, and the brain. The science of subjective well-being, 469-489.
Goldschmidt, V. Five Scientifically-Backed Benefits of Feeling Grateful.
Kaniuka, A. R., Kelliher Rabon, J., Brooks, B. D., Sirois, F., Kleiman, E., & Hirsch, J. K. (2020). Gratitude and suicide risk among college students: Substantiating the protective benefits of being thankful. Journal of American college health, 1-8.
Kraus, R., Desmond, S. A., & Palmer, Z. D. (2015). Being thankful: Examining the relationship between young adult religiosity and gratitude. Journal of Religion and Health, 54(4), 1331-1344.
Mishra, S. K., Togneri, E., Tripathi, B., & Trikamji, B. (2017). Spirituality and religiosity and its role in health and diseases. Journal of religion and health, 56(4), 1282-1301.
Morin, A., & Overdrive Inc. (2014). 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. Place of publication not identified: HarperCollins.
Wyman, P. A., Brown, C. H., LoMurray, M., Schmeelk-Cone, K., Petrova, M., Yu, Q., ... & Wang, W. (2010). An outcome evaluation of the Sources of Strength suicide prevention program delivered by adolescent peer leaders in high schools. American journal of public health, 100(9), 1653-1661.