Specializing In (Individual & Corporate):
Depression, Trauma, Crisis Management & De-Escalation, Anxiety, PTSD, Suicide awareness, Disability Awareness, Children/Youth Mental Health, Life Transition, Life Direction, Academic Direction, Business Organization Topics, Organizational Leadership, Burnout, Stress Management, Self-Care, Compassion Fatigue, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Cultural Awareness/Competency, Mental Health in the context of Faith-Based Communities, Workplace Violence Prevention.
Collaborative Care:
Dr. Morais currently provides Collaborative Care for NAMI Georgia, the National Alliance on Mental Illness in Georgia, where he trains and certifies first responders (police officers, school resource officers, EMTS, clinicians), educators, families, students, healthcare providers, lawyers, and community leaders with the strategies they will need to "End The Silence, Shame & Stigma" of Mental Illness & Suicide within their environments.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (May 2020) - "Over the past twelve months, NAMI Georgia provided programs for 33,808 participants, and Dr. Cassell was a huge part of this effort. Dr. Cassell is our leading subject matter expert for multiple of our programs including Introduction to Behavioral Health and Addictive Disease, as well as CIT Youth. Last summer he took lead on the project to update and revise the curriculums for both classes. Additionally, he is a lead presenter for our "Ending the Silence presentation". Dr. Cassell regularly goes into schools on behalf of NAMI Georgia to help educators recognize early signs and symptoms of mental health conditions in students. This evidence-based program has been shown to raise empathy, and effectively develop communication skills in adults who work with youth. An alternate format of this program, Ending the Silence for Students, is designed to help students recognize warning signs in their peers, as well as develop skills for finding resources and speaking with trusted adults. As an instructor, he has certified clinicians, first responders, and community leaders in both programs. Dr. Cassell’s expertise, thoughtful delivery technique, humor, and sense of mission to serve the community have made him an asset to our organization." - NAMI Georgia, Inc.
"Fortis Cadere Cedere Non Potest" (Latin) - "The Brave May Fall But Never Yield."
Watch This Video -
Schleifer, H. (2010). The Power of Connection. [Video file]. YouTube.